The Musical Heritage of Franz Cibulka (1946-2016)

Franz Peter Cibulka was an Austrian clarinetist, composer, conductor, and educator primarily known for his works for clarinet ensemble and symphonic band. He taught at the Johann Joseph Fux Konservatorium in Graz. His prolific output of over 500 works includes pieces for winds, brass, choir, strings, and electronics. Franz was beloved by his students.
Cibulka’s music is distinguished by a unique modern Austrian idiom, marked by sophistication and expressive storytelling. His compositions make a substantial contribution to contemporary literature for woodwinds and brass. Notable clarinet works like “Claroness” and “s’Zwitscherl” exhibit a captivating quality, reflecting Cibulka’s deep interest in the instrument and its expressive potential.

Since our first collaboration at the 2015 ICA ClarinetFest in Madrid, and especially after his passing in 2016, I am promoting, editing, and curating Franz Cibulka’s works, while also staying in close collaboration with his family.

Franz Cibulka’s Catalog of Works
This catalog serves as the central, comprehensive database for exploring Cibulka’s compositions, organized in multiple ways: alphabetically, by genre, and by level of difficulty. It also includes music samples and recordings featuring the composer.
It is actively managed by Dr. Barbara Heilmair and Michael Cibulka. This ongoing process involves regularly updating and expanding the catalogue as new or rediscovered works from the oeuvre are identified.

To make Cibulka’s music more known in the United States and elsewhere, I regularly play and conduct his pieces.

Many of these concerts feature premiere performances in the USA or worldwide.

In 2024, the American composer Nicole Buetti was commissioned to write a piece in memory of Franz Cibulka and Gary Gray.

As a direct result of my collaboration with Franz Cibulka, updates and thoughtful revisions are made to his sheet music. This process remains ongoing.
In 2015, Cibulka has arranged his charismatic “s’Zwitscherl” as “s’Zwitscherl Fuer Zwei” for my trio with Rolf Weber and Kazue Tsuzuki.
The ensemble has recorded the piece for the first time.
The International Franz Cibulka Music Competition was founded in 2017 and is meant to spread the compositions of the Styrian composer Franz Cibulka and support young musicians who strive for an international career.
Art of Cibulka Homepage with Catalog of Works and International Music Competition
I commend Heilmair for bringing more attention to Cibulka in this country. (…) I find Cibulka’s music to be uniquely Austrian, not fitting into a larger Germanic tradition as many other Austrian composers traditionally have.
— NACWPI Journal, Winter 2020, Eric Schultz
Thanks to Heilmair, we now have a definitive version of the work as a result of her collaboration with the composer and revision of at least two previous versions of the work. (…) What better way to honor the legacy of Franz Cibulka!
— NACWPI Journal, Winter 2019, Eric Schultz